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Reliability & Capacity for Smooth, Cross-Border Shipments
When you need to ship in and out of Canada with confidence, choose AMEX FREIGHT INC. Through our partnerships we have helped create a unique “both sides” approach to United States/Canadian border. So no matter if your freight is on Canadian soil or U.S., you’ll know your freight is in good hands.
You can rely on the reputation, competencies and expertise of AMEX FREIGHT INC to deliver superior shipping throughout Canada and the U.S. We combine expertise, assets and international coverage to form a dynamic freight solution for North America.
AMEX FREIGHT INC participates in the following CBSA and CBP programs, plus initiatives that reduce border vulnerabilities:
ACE Automated Commercial Environment
ACI Advance Commercial Information
C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
FAST clearance into USA and Canada (Free and Secure Trade)
PIP Partners Against Terrorism
Bonded clearance into USA and Canada
CSA clearance into Canada (Customs Self Assessment)
PAPS clearance into USA (Pre-Arrival Processing System)
PARS clearance into Canada (Pre-Arrival Review System)
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